(old news)-
my blog!
Latest articles:
Passivism: To Save the World, Start with Yourself (2015-03),
Civil Obedience: How to break the Cycle of Violence (2013-06),
Identity, Immunity, Law and Aggression on the Rapacious Hardscrapple Frontier
Capitalism is the Institution of Ethics
The Enterprise of Liberty vs The Enterprise of Politics
Economic Reasoning vs Accounting Fallacies —
The Case of ``Public´´ Research
(translated 2004-07),
The Law of Bitur-Camember
Government and Microsoft: a Libertarian View on Monopolies
(completed 2003-11),
the Sharp Zaurus SL-C700
(issued 2003-11),
Design Ideas for a Future Computer Virus...
and for a Future Security Architecture
(revised 2003-07),
Government is the Rule of Black Magic
Stamps vs Spam
(2003-04 appendix about USENET),
Digitized recently:
Philosophy: Who Needs It?
The Only Path To Tomorrow
The Death Of Politics
(2004-06-01, added original readers' feedback),
Released software:
CL-Launch 4.1.2 (2015-04-01)
| Dernière Minute!
(minutes précédentes)-
mon blogue!
Derniers articles:
La grande peur de la défaillance du marché,
Utiliser ses propres mots,
La Loi de Bitur-Camember
Les OGM et le principe de précaution...
L'État, Règne de la Magie Noire...
Raisonnement économique contre sophismes comptables
Nouvellement numérisés:
Propriété et Spoliation
Gratuité du Crédit — toute la correspondance Bastiat-Proudhon!