Here is how you can contact me.
François-René Bân RIDEAU DANG-VU 6, rue Augustin Thierry 75019 Paris FRANCETheir phone number is: (+33) (0)142026735
If you go there, take the subway to metro station "Place des Fêtes" (lines 11 and 7bis; also bus lines 60 and 48; you can come by car, but you'll have a hard time finding a legit parking place nearby). Out of the first metro exit (to your left), you'll see a pyramid on the center of the place des fêtes, and a bakery (to your right). entry to Number 6 is just next to the rear entry of the bakery, next to the optician and video shop (beware there is also number 8 there, next to the café). No need to cross any street; just walk along the building, under the covered walkway. When at the interphone, compose the door number (31), and ring with bell symbol (on top of the number board). Repeat if there is no answer within 15 seconds, since the interphone and the door unlocking button are automatically disabled after this time interval.
François-René Bân RIDEAU DANG-VU La Saudrais 22550 Henanbihen FRANCEThe phone number is: (+33) (0)296340464.
François-René RIDEAU 22, boulevard de la Foire L-1528 LuxembourgBut don't consider it a permanent address. ICBM address: Latitude 49° 36' 56" N, longitude 6° 7' 22" E.
[ François-René ÐVB Rideau | Reflection&Cybernethics | ] [ TUNES project for a Free Reflective Computing System | ]
Faré -- François-René Rideau -- Ðặng-Vũ Bân