Faré's Ads
Work Offer Ad
I have lots of authoring projects where I'd appreciate collaboration:
developing a new kind of OS,
organizing new economical structures based on free information,
writing novels,
exploring AI,
lots of stuff.
If you are interested in serious work about any of these,
but lack ideas, I have tons to give to you.
Personal Ad
I am always looking for the sister soul, in view of a platonic relation
(or maybe more, who knows?).
If you are interested in computer science, cognition, logic, philosophy,
and/or ethics, that is to sum up, Cybernetics, and if you appreciate
classical music, then you may be the one I am looking for.
And if you like people who are interested in them,
maybe you're also the one I am looking for.
Please drop a mail, then.
Recycling Ad
I hate it when expensive resources are wasted away,
just because people throw things away,
instead of giving them to people to whom they may be useful.
Hence, I'm GIVING AWAY the following hardware, free of charge.
These are available in Paris,
or wherever you are if you pay shipping&handling.
Note that if you too have old hardware that you'd like to give away,
there are collectors like
Philippe Dubois
who might accept it.
Or I may store it home and add it to the current list.
I, too, accept some hardware: I'm used to taking parts away from broken
or obsolete computers (mostly PCs), to recycle them into useful Linux boxen.
Hence, here is the stuff I give away, in case anyone is interested.
The hardware is available in Paris, unless stated otherwise.
I can ship it, but then I require you to pay shipping and handling beforehand.
My preferred payment method is
(find a changer here;
open a new account here),
but I'm open to whatever method you propose, at your own risk
(e.g. I've been sent bank notes by the post office in the past).
- Lots of floppies, either 5"1/4 or 3"1/2, either empty, broken,
or full of old files, either double or high density.
Oh, only a few floppies, after all, for I'll try to save
their contents to my hard disk before I give them away.
Tell me if you prefer 3.5" or 5.25" so I save them in priority.
- A Commodore 1084 color monitor for Amiga.
a Star SR-10 9-pin dot printer from the mid-80's,
using either continuous or single-sheet paper feed of A4 (or US-letter) size,
with 80 columns of text (or more using condensed and/or proportional mode).
Comes with full manual, paper, ink.
It is perfect for debugging full-screen programs,
and for logging messages continuously and irreversibly, but not too fast
(say to detect intrusion into your system). Or for making lots of noise.
Currently stored in Côtes d'Armor (Britanny).
- I have various small connectors and cables, that I also prefer
to only give away for specific needs, since they might always come
in helpful to me one day:
- one fixed part of an IDE rack
(without the case containing the disk).
- one DB25 male/male sex changer
(for e.g. serial or parallel cable)
- one DB25 female/female sex changer
- one Y male/female*2 power cords
to plug additional hard disks inside an AT/ATX PC.
- two DB9/DB25 female/male plugs
to plug DB9 cords into DB25 serial ports.
- one miniDIN6/DIN5 female/male changer,
to plug a PS/2 keyboard into an AT motherboard.
- one DIN5/miniDIN6 female/male changer,
to plug an AT keyboard into a PS/2 motherboard.
- one DB25/DB25 female/female cord
for printers (?).
- one reconfigurable female-female 25-pin connector
to connect to non-standard serial ports.
- one 40-line IDE connectors
- two 25-line AT floppy connector
- one miniDIN8/miniDIN9 (or pseudominiDIN9?) male/male cord
that used to plug a modem into a mac.
- one miniDIN8/miniDIN8 female/female sex changer
for mac serial cables.
- one DB25/miniDIN8 male/male serial cable
to link a PC modem into a Macintosh.
- one DIN5/DB25 male/female cable
to link a PC serial port to a PC AT keyboard port???
- one DB9/DIN8 cord to connect old style video card (EGA?) to monitor.
- three USB/miniDIN6 female/male changers
to plug a suitable USB mouse into a PS/2 motherboard.
- one miniDIN6/USB female/male changer
to plug a suitable PS/2 mouse into a USB motherboard.
- Other connectors, for home appliances (and computers that connect to them):
- two RJ12/gigogne (6 plates) female/male french phone connector.
- one RJ12 female/female connector to connect two cords into a longer one.
- three RJ12 male/male phone cord.
- one smaller (4 pins) RJ11 male/male cable
- one smaller (4 pins) RJ11 female/male "no twist" connector
- four cords with double 9mm male/male connectors
to connect stereo audio devices
- one cord with double 9mm male/male connectors
to connect mono audio devices
- three jack6.35/minijack3.5 male/female stereo size changer
- three jack6.35/minijack3.5 male/female mono size changer
- one minijack3.5/jack6.35 male/female stereo size changer
- one cord with 9mm*2/minijack3.5 male/male
to connect a stereo audio devices
- one minijack3.5*2/minijack3.5*2 male/male stereo cable
for some audio in+out devices
- one minijack3.5*3/minijack3.5*3 male/male stereo cable
for some audio in+out+control devices
- one DIN5/minijack3.5*2 male/male stereo cable for some audio in+out devices
- one DIN5/9mm*4 male/male stereo cable for some audio in+out devices
- one DIN5/9mm*2 male/male stereo cable
for some audio traffic from 9mm to DIN (I presume).
- one DIN5/9mm*2 female/male stereo cable
for some audio traffic from DIN to 9mm (I presume).
- one jack6.35/pseudoDIN5 female/male changer
(same size as DIN5, but the pins organized as a square plus center)
to plug a (stereo?) microphone into some old hi-fi device
- one jack6.35/pseudoDIN2 changer (looks like DIN but isn't quite
- the round connector has one flat horizontal "tongue" at the center
and a pin centered 3mm above)
to plug a mono microphone into some old hi-fi device.
- A very old microphone with an 9mm male connector.
- two microphones with minijack3.5 male connector.
- one power2/DIN5 cord to fit something into a french power outlet.
- power plug to plug a computer into american power outlet.
- one 9mm male/male antenna cord.
- two 9mm male/female antenna cord.
- three 9mm/9mm female/male antenna connector to connect two cords
into a longer one.
- one 9.52mm/9mm male/female antenna size changers.
- three 9mm/9.52mm male/female antenna size changers.
- one 9mm/9mm female/female antenna connector sex changer.
- one 9.52mm male/female*2 T antenna connector.
- one 9.52mm male*2/female T antenna connector.
- one 9mm male/female*2 T antenna connector.
- Not computer-related:
a home microscope model 412 by Optico; there's "35X" written on it;
I suppose that's its performance.
- if you're really enthusiastic about it
(i.e. it fits a real precise need, or you pay for it, after all),
I have the following spare parts, that I otherwise intend to use myself:
- a complete IDE rack
- a SB16 ISA PnP card
- a Centronic50 female/female SCSI-1 cord.
That's all, folks!
In case you didn't guess, I also use this page as an inventory.
Let's just hope I keep it up-to-date (no warranties made;
contact me to see if a particular item is still available and reserve it).
Faré -- François-René Rideau -- Ðặng-Vũ Bân