A few pointers
Most of these pointers might be obsolete or uninteresting.
Pointers in the TODO list might even be untested.
I wrote them down for some reason or another,
because I saw them at a some place or another.
When I have time, perhaps I can sort them out.
Anyway, don't rely on anything here.
This document is NOT actively "maintained",
though I often add/delete pointers in the TODO list...
More or less sorted pointers
Philosophy and Moral Sciences
Libéralisme classique/classical liberalism
La Toile en Français
- Le BOcal,
feuille de choux des étudiants à l'ENS
(avec des articles de moi dans les numéros
- La Carte du Web et
l'Annuaire de
- Au Québec,
les Chroniques de Cyberie,
la Toile du Québec,
l'Internet en français,
la chronique de Benoît Munger dans "le Devoir"
On-line books
(not in any particular order)
People I most respect (and have not listed in my page on Reflection):
Other interesting scientists:
- P Wadler [
Functional programming on the web |
steele oopsla98 |
call-by-need |
wadler lam pi |
monads |
rw hol]
- John Tromp
- Radhia Cousot: POPL'97
- larry paulson: lamcal course
- Joseph Y Halpern
- Fergus Henderson
- Luc Moreau
- Will Clinger
- Stéphane Fermigier
- Andrew Moran
- Jeff Fox is a FORTH, MISC,
and Aikido guru.
- Jean Goubault
- Seán Matthews
- Gul Agha
- gunter grieser
- MCB Hennessy
- P selinger
- Sam Kamin
- Robin Popplestone
- Gibson
- Manfred Broy
- mjanssen
- samuel tardieu
- hal varian
- Dan J. Bernstein
- arend rensink
- John Levine's draft book on linkers and loaders
- castagna
- Tom Lord
- P selinger
- Luca Cardelli;
cardelli (local);
- John Hughes
- Olaf
- Matthew Hennessy
- Guy E. Blelloch, Perry Cheng: On Bounding Time and Space for Multiprocessor Garbage Collection. PLDI 1999: 104-117
- Mats Bengtsson: Real-Time Compacting Garbage Collection Algorithms, Lund University, LUTEDX/(TECS-3028)/1-118(1990) & LU-CS-TR:90-61
- Roger Henriksson: Scheduling Garbage Collection in Embedded Systems
Lund University, LUTEDX/(TECS-1008)/1-164/(1998)
- Implicit Parameters: Dynamic Scoping with Static Types
Jeffrey Lewis and Mark Shields and Erik Meijer and John Launchbury. In
Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of
Programming Languages, Boston, Massachusetts, pages 108-118, Jan 2000.
People met on the net:
About the WWW
TODO list
Unsorted Bag of Pointer
- Littérature
- Géographie:
- Jeux info
- Télé-Achat
- IA, AI
- Psychologie, Psychiatrie, etc:
- News
- Info historique
- Docs Utiles:
- Repères de l'Internet
- Critique de logiciels
- Functional Programming Languages
- Other Languages:
- Language Implementation:
- Language Design
- Libre Logiciel:
- Linux
- Hardware
- Teaching and Academic stuff:
- Security
- X11
- Journaux et Revues
- ORB and stuff
- Undigested
- ~eddie/fullyfu.ps
- crh
- Lugex
- bostonf
- Greg Franks'
- "Laws of Form" (the Logic Calculus of George Spencer-Brown).
- George Brun-Cottan
- Délivrez Prométhée
- trouble?
- LookSmart
- LookSmart h/linkto
- "Cool" OO Words
- Extra
- OCR?
- OCR/linux
- tips
- m2c
- bliss
- newton
- AI @ Edinburgh
- foo
- hic
- EDTC97
- network
- docproject
- Foreign Correspondent
- jeffm
- deriving programs
- deriving programs
- computing links
- kornerup
- edelson
- philg@mit.edu
- rooted in NCOMPLR
- fuchs
- Tim Sheard
- Computing Research Association
- RVM library
- larceny
- optimization survey
- NSF workshop on...
- Proteus
- percolate
- Rodney Brooks
- tail recursion
- diss
- OI bib
- nemesis
- Al
- a couple of games
- bs blast
- transframe
- dynamic compilation
- pi 1088
- cloning humans
- bbtech
- Computer Shopper
- encyc subscription
- survey
- a FORTH/Postscript/Java mix
- Glyphic CodeworksR Programming Environment
- "How to Fit a Large Program Into a Small Machine"
by Marc S. Blank and S. W. Galley.
Creative Computing, July 1980, pages 80-87.
- Thomas Worthington
- D.E.Knuth's home
- scizzl
- rice gopher
- XDS (US mirror)
- AIM 1329
- LyX
- Poems
- spot diss
- split16
- NIC-France
- choix-fai
- ft
- link info
- http://www.cs.rice.edu/CS/PLT/packages/slatex/
- luceafarul in latin2
- lx banners
- infidels.org
- The ccrma www site
- coquand
- etc
- fuchs
- bernecky
- internet society, fr
- rdr
- bavi
- tomsrtbt
- Mma Graphics Gallery
- Start
- Ultra HAL
- where clauses
- INRIA: SACRES (Leguernic, Benveniste) Temps Réel
- Eli Examples
- Bastard Operator From Hell!
- lang xref
- smlnj C ffi
- are cows animals?
- ismm98
- Contents of IWMM '95 proceedings
- Contents of IWMM '92 proceedings
- iwmm92.ps.Z
- lfp94
- 23rd Annual USENIX Technical Conference
June 15-19, 1998
New Orleans, Louisiana
- joris @ ultralix
- P-code
- fos
- cbbrowne
- bpmk
- my day
- boehm examples
- Frank Cornelis
- LICS 98
- fouet
- Henri Cohen:: A course in computational algebraic number theory a la fin: pointeur vers MacSyma
- fleegle
- chinese history
- Marc Merman
- casbah
- 2bit bench
- wr
- http://pauillac.inria.fr/~lang/libre/reperes/
- public domain OCR software
- ocr
- infocom games
- Parenthetically Speaking with Kent M. Pitman
- logics and declarative programming
- Skeptics: Amazing Randi |
Cercle Zététique
- lt
- sigplan
- dictionary of programming languages
- de la part de F. Acquaviva
- src/doc/optimize.txt
- mercury compiler design
- CLOS, Eiffel, and Sather: A Comparison
- SICP bits
- jason: see RPG for AS/400
- David Trystram
- misc
- OpenBIOS
- alcool 90
- language-related conferences
- prix thèse
- knuth cm
- research
- comp.lang.functional FAQ
- partial functions
- web crash course
- ftpmail
- ftpmail
- ircii EPIC
- jclt
- http://www.netservs.com/mrcool/stats.htm
- new SEL-HPC location
- beurk
- circu
- srt
- ubicomp
- perf
- microway: alpha workstations
- Ultra Technology (MISC)
- V6
- Jonathan
- logical fallacies
- http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/~bmd/PrologProgrammingContests/iclp97competition.ps
- dilbert
- wall
- winvnkey
- internet junkbuster
- waldherr junkbuster
- misa
- lamport: why...
- ctcoq
- EML kit
- ML Kit
- ISMM98 est LA conférence sur la gestion de la mémoire
- libpasm
- coût de l'information
- ostore
- ostore
- ostore
- dsl copyleft
- amanda
- littleOS
- Alliance?
- dtm
- dylan lin
- dem's bookmarks
- maniette
- queso
- OOPSLA Squeak
- podfuk: userfs over nfs
- driver for both NT and Linux
- Logics for Mathematics and Computer Science
- X
- Y
- ctcoq
- os development course
- janos
- x
- exokernel sources
- cloneDR
- dossier libre
- An Extensible I/O System
- serpent crypto
- g-raiden
- squeak headed
- squeak 158
- gost
- plus quelques critiques interessantes par un physicien
- ou un philosophe
- http://www.nyu.edu/gsas/dept/philo/faculty/boghossian/papers/bog_tls.html
- attribute grammars
- types for modules
- and their code
- Granger
- sds tool
- fs-ai
- j crippen
- hugo
- What is a Recursive Module?
- What is a Recursive Module?
- n'importe quoi!
- ssf
- shape toolkit for SCM
- the freewin '95 project has been renamed to ReactOS
- sml2scm
- FISh
- rot13
- aios
- krivine?
- p-system
- multics
- CTSS info
- eCos
- enstb
- Thomas Kistler and Michael Franz.
Automated Layout of Data Members for Type-Safe Languages.
Technical Report No. 98-22,
Department of Information and Computer Science,
University of California, Irvine, September 1998.
- back orifice
- Fritz Henglein, "Type Inference with Polymorphic Recursion", TOPLAS '93 15(2):253-289
- [huds91] Richard L. Hudson, J. Eliot B. Moss, Amer Diwan, and Christopher F. Weight. A language-independent garbage collector toolkit. Technical Report COINS 91-47, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Dept. of Computer and Information Science, September 1991.
- moz tools
- rel
- rencontre TRON
- cvs
- statuts aful
- logos aful
- mleone jvm
- mit sol
- kafkafr
- encyclopaedia?
- Eliminating array bound checking through dependent types, Hongwei Xi and Frank Pfenning
- internet dissident
- ttyquake
- ultra project
- Transactional RAM
- TPHOLs99
- bpf
- silug's book
- Programming Languages and Lambda Calculi
- mutt
- unios
- wp8
- CL software
- Joshua free OS
- Joshua free OS
- Joshua free OS
- ASN.1 au cnet
- Porting GCC for Dummies
- jpeg links
- jpeg faq
- ipchains
- mouse wheel
- kosh
- via computer
- Grammar Writer's Workbench for Lexical Functional Grammar
- lxdoom
- john fine -- raw pmode info
- funny movies?
- SCSI tech doc
- writing your own OS FAQ
- linux-mm
- lynx release
- VENDREDI 22 JANVIER a 16 HEURES 30 a l'Ecole Polytechnique (Amphi Becquerel)
- kawa paper
- "Advanced Programming Languages"
- "Logic for Computer Science"
- xklaim
- http://www.un.org/plweb-cgi/idoc.pl?1913+unix+_free_user_+www.un.org..80+un+un+pr1998+pr1998++Universal#&adj&Networking#&adj&Language# UNL
- Object Code Translation Home Page
- Primitive Types Considered Harmful
- Go To Statement Considered Harmful
- Arrays and Pointers Considered Harmful, [Ince 92] D.C.INCE, ACM SigPlan
Notices, January 1992.
- Interface Pointers Considered Harmful
- COM Smart Pointers Even More Harmful
- Do Language Levels Affect Productivity?
- Cint
- sicp
- Gérard Verroust
- tao
- gatech cs2360
- ws99
- course
- perdu
- vhemt
- verp
- http://tunes.org/~bineng/members/
- mozart
- vul
- hispec
- fire
- "Towards a portable lazy functional declarative debugger"
- emergent
- sapir-whorf
- finalists
- vm review
- social darwinism
- ae pcd usr com
- xxx lanl gov
- evolmol
- linux router
- wtr
- periodic table of elements
- validator
- dolphin
- F<:
- osp
- legion
- cable modem info
- univ alg
- cbbrowne OSes
- hevea
- t2h
- bla
- clover Pure FP+OOP
- Gray stream
- see thesis
- report3
- bcpierce: B629: Languages for Programming the Web Lecture Notes
- vftpd
- SequenceL
- adrenaline
- outreach
- small boards
- thesis
- dangergirl
- dg
- dg
- Patriot ShBoom
- the forth source
- jeux
- avec XBlast
- 3D
- magic point
- tableur ABS
- abi word
- article
- Michael Hanus
- monads
- thesis on connect 4
- eb
- eb
- eb
- eb
- antiraymond
- Applix SHELF
- magic point
- tableur ABS
- abi word
- format echange document
- Michael Hanus
- TAI99
- monads
- thesis on connect 4
- icfp99
- flops99
- Applix SHELF
- ffii
- sig
- knucleus
- Brian Hayes. "Collective Wisdom", American Scientist, Vol. 86, No. 2, March-April 1998, pp. 118-122.
- Joel Birnbaum. "Pervasive Information Systems", Communications, Vol. 40, No. 2, Feb. 1997, pp. 40-41.
- Université de droit de Harvard
- Chris Okasaki: efficient pure data structures
- sci.econ.research
- petite correction
- autre correc
- academic
- hacker wisdom
- categories?
- Serbia Now!
- rh5 to deb HOWTO
- rh5 to deb tools
- jam (also see cons)
- the open lab
- step
- crypto
- penguin
- iepos
- l OS/2 cl
- team OS/2
- niclos
- tintuc
- Language Study
- cours UNIX: tuteurs ENS
- AlonzoTG
- http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~steveh/inspiron
- nt secure???
- categories
- The Forum Specification Language
- hayek essay contest
- localisation
- Abstract Arrows
- eclipse 1999
- Lojban
- UA
- types for pi-calculus
- fastcompany on geeks
- x-tt
- "galileo"
- mslinux
- a2i converts AT&T asm to INTEL/nasm style
- linas db
- Interfaces That Kill
- Component-Oriented Programming
- b pierce types list
- aisf
- cigref (voir aussi X-Informatique)
- swpat.ffii
- pli99
- bounty
- Luca Cardelli's "Extensible Syntax with Lexical Scoping."
- Phantom-OS
- kelsey
- proglang
- infer
- academic
- Python vs Tcl
- fmm
- tcl
- tcl war
- tcl war2
- zope
- when NEW fails
- the icon
- "fpca95-mth.ps.gz"-"abstract models of memory management"
- dmos.pointers
- papers-pl-imp
- P L
- more ASM
- mont
- ws
- kt.opensrc
- boerger
- TOPLAS 97, Andrew Appel -- Bootstrapping Compilers
- formonto
- ericp
- JC Pazzaglia?
- onto
- agents
- agent0
- CAS modeling
- fax
- zipfax
- proposal
- iepos lambda
- lucy
- strunk
- corsini
- cbneed amb
- lambda
- AB
- mscs
- jlc
- thprop
- foote
- lieber
- Competition keeps Linux lean
- multinationales contre MS
- chuck moore 19990522
- cah
- cahb
- concurrence distrib
- openmaster
- curl |
announce |
- pitrat logique
- asr gr
- asn1
- ts2
- bolts
- new journalism
- turtle bib
- brics rs 97
- uchica tech
- lambda lifting/dropping
- ciesys
- erights
- pop art
- FM
- lp
- D-PN
- martin
- KP
- MM
- spj
- harlequin bankrupt?
- The Minotaur
- scripting
- bolts
- FreeOS
- large programs
- R&D. Currently, I'm reading an interesting paper: "Applying Rewriting Techniques to the Verification of Erlang Processes", by Tomas Arts (CSLab) and Jürgen Giesl (TU-Darmstadt).
- games vs free software
- rop
- aaai95
- Verification
- ecoop 99 there's an interesting paper relating AOP to Beta's fragment system
- beta at ecoop99
- Perl Power Tools
- guardians
- dandr.com
- aphelie
- on being proprietary
- dmentre
- POPL'2000
- alexis read
- xxx.lanl.gov
- Obfusc
- lyskom
- forth threading
- conference resources
- OSO: Kaufmann
- OSO: Todd Burgess
- magic cauldron (local)
- Chuang Tse
- crc039
- 248
- pavg
- UC Davis SILO project
- Paul Curzon
- mech
- gasm bib&rep
- gasm verif
- ocv
- holly
- cousot
- abadi
- JB
- bouffe
- c-v, etc
- mleone
- pilz oct
- object code translation
- pl implementation bib
- Active Libraries: Rethinking the roles of compilers and libraries
- Branching Time and Abstraction in Bisimulation Semantics
- Rob van Glabbeek's
- David F. Martin Memorial (died dec 96)
- chirica
- software validation&testing
- Wolfgang Goerigk
- VERIFIX - Provably Correct Compilers
- jlib
- progres
- Carl Hewitt
- actor-1
- Carl Hewitt?
- Slim
- sunfire
- OI
- Memory management with explicit regions, David Gay, Alex Aiken ACM SIGPLAN Notices Vol. 33, No. 5 (May 1998), Pages 313-323 in: PLDI'98. Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN '98 conference on Programming language design and implementation, pages 313-323
- forth cpu?x
- kismet
- lfs-cmu
- MESS, Semantics-based Implementation of PLs
- mazieres
- ruby
- ertl cf
- Geek Chicks
- linux grrls
- linux chix
- Operating Systems, The Internet OS Resource
- Dijkstra
- agent faq
- popsh
- DEC sim
- pragma-ade
- bigFORTH
- bonsai
- dd.sh
- BioOS
- crenshaw
- tutorials
- y man
- compilers faq
- Ada standard appendix G
- Boxer
- pgc
- citrin
- amcomp61
- copyright
- graphviz
- fax for linux
- tex faq 2 html
- tile.net ftp
- tutorials
- iip
- verifix intern
- K Umbach
- TPHOLs99
- ECOOP 2000 web site
- PLI99
- all the web (?)
- BOFH-style Excuse Server
- BOFH complete
- alison
- geekfinder
- dopl
- foch.B
- lunix
- db
- listbot
- seity
- modal logic
- marx
- carlos hybrid
- carlos
- yde
- pk
- Mu
- CritLink
- IBM on licensing
- gamasutra
- ledoux
- dalang
- Alexis Read
- Obscurity as Security
- sawmill
- researchindex.com
- oth
- the Internet Oracle
- water bookmarks
- andrew cook lang
- gnulist
- uni ete
- BugTraq
- waldo corba
- visual oberon
- survey
- nat prog
- SpamVert
- guide to being phd student
- erlang wiki
- toolsfor
- lmi
- DATR is a purely functional domain-specific language for linguistic applications (wuuruXXX)
- upd
- piccola
- docs.uu.se
- scalable knowledge bases
- dynamo00
- MathMorphs
- ADATE is Automatic Design of Algorithms Through Evolution
- mopintro
- levy
- dynamic jtmpl
- SW Bell
- Flanagan, Sabry, Duba, and Felleisen. The essence of compiling with continuations. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN '93 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, SIGPLAN Notices 28(6), June 1993, pages 237-247.
- match library
- msft nsa
- iip
- The Copyright Website
- Copyright Terms
- Software License Primer
- The USENET Copyright FAQ
- doxpara
- scan
- schmidt
- science
- benthem
- search
- Erik Meijer
- Alma (Software Workshop for Analysing and Modelling)
- vms linking
- burning
- teraterm
- punch bill!
- telebig
- mmmm
- viavoice/linux
- waaapl99
- ay2k
- join vs ambients
- SpecWare @kestrel.edu
- cybercablés
- "Limits of ML-definability" from PLILP'96 S.M.Kahrs@ukc.ac.uk
- leapfrog
- softdv compilers
- sel-hpc compilers
- default
- Komelec
- qualite à ASR
- qualite au CNET
- clockwise, real-time FS for Linux
- prog a2z
- Mario Tokoro: AL-1/D imsa92
- Alan Cox
- nullstone
- judi: module calculus
- mir0slav 27024 midiz
- midi audio sk
- midi cz
- zipiz
- warren e. buffett
- schneier
- criswell
- hardware
- chaosdev
- linux
- tuteurs ENS
- epkg (encap)
- plbook
- logic
- Eric
- Using Lightweight Procedures
- souder
- coda overview
- mfreeland
- Richard Jones' bibliography on GC
- gc seminar
- 2nd look CatB
- http://www.kx.com/technical/index.html
- http://www.binnetcorp.com/OpenCode/kernelprolog.html
- http://www.cs.unt.edu/~tarau/kprolog/Main.html
- Express project
- varbusi
- gaf
- decoplus
- free tv
- dalkilic
- gimenez
- darwin
- cswillem
- ac prg
- lfs
- loco
- phd oos
- cs
- evil overlord
- mistie
- Longest Common Subsequences
- Sequence comparison
- smalltalk refs
- cybertool34:
victorinox |
corrado cutlery |
knife center
- recursive make considered harmful
- motley fool on linux vs MSFT
- AI inventor
- CUPS: replace all those 1970's line printer spoolers masquerading as printing systems
- autostop?
- shrinkwrap licenses
- ensembl
- bio.perl
- funix
- Transparent Society
- proof general
- noweb
- schneier
- webgratuit |
dpx |
le gratuit utile |
legratuit |
gratuit |
gratuit du net
- FreeMWare
- these
- ReactOS
- FreeDOS
- Eros-os
- Chaos
- Hurd
- Freedows
- PetrOS
- linmodems |
- extreme keyboarding
- Creating Your Own OS
- steve
- guide CVS DTL/ASR
- schintro
- benchmarks?
- visual oo
- The Functional page of Jon Mountjoy
- paraflow
- intensional prog
- spacewar
- The Operating Systems Collection
- Realistic Idealism, Philosophy based on evidence
- Welcome to Jenkins' Spoiler-Laden Guide to Isaac Asimov
- SciFi Weekly
- evm sourceforge
- No Amazon
- deal pilot
- choose system administration
- Fufie
- textedeloi
- penguinized linux source
- analyse de logs?
- Andrew Kenney, now at MSR
- Philosophy Pages, by Garth Kemerling
- webencyclo
- eForth
- comonads
- not C++
- linux usb
- mises middle of road
- li zhang
- prncyb
- (esp, lit and links (esp, Peter Aczel's hp) pages)
- lego
- journal of formalized mathematics
- relfun
- Ensemble project (Morrisett et al)
- orthogonal
- m flatt
- unification grammars
- craft2e
- monads
- Refactoring:
extreme programming |
- sableCC |
- pacs
- OBJ coind
- disclaimer
- disclaimer
- disclaimer
- fcvm: community |
- aabyan
- isl
- mcs98
- Code Smells
- programme
- paper
- Hindsight
- G.K. Chesterton
- Graal
- water: Arrow Phi |
- thoughtful progming in 4th
- Interaction, Computability, and Church's Thesis
- C kit
- Green
- TheNewOS
- bineng's glossary
- tunes/9410/msg0052
- ollivier contre ultralib
- qish
- Juice et al
- bouffe LE
- Qish intro
- Other languages
- chris alexander
- combinators
- sphere postmortem
- la bourse du livre de demain
- slate
- licence LLDD B Lang
- philo
- wow
- vic
- bst
- shivers citations
- OpenLAW
- Mercer & Raskin:
Laura |
- TeXmacs
- muq
- jeje web
- apostle
- bfe
- LASG @ securityportal.com
- ftp://gav:gav@tod.alpha.ru:90/mp3/Jazz/Yesterday%21%21s.mp3
- ods
- xylo
- story
- intelligenesis
- http://www.nal.qc.ca/do/humour/humour.htm#blagues
- http://x43.deja.com/[ST_rn=ps]/getdoc.xp?AN=584725806
- c-- concurrency
- dzu hackers
- memoire2
- shape
- Mutopia
- CGI tutorial
- RFC.net
- recommended readings (ask google about gebstadter)
- nusstronics
- freenet
- arcavia
- Lyrics
- gnutella
- emerald
- Ellie
- paradyn
- berlin OOUI
- parkhom
- Networked Computer Science Technical Reference Library
- dynamo
- gogo
- ADSL under Linux
- TALx86
- opitz
- infobase
- AtheOS
- megahal
- ISO/IEC 10744:1997 Information technology -- Hypermedia/Time-based Structuring Language (HyTime), 468 pages.
- httproute
- collection
- How to design programs
- How to Publish a Great User Manual
- impact factor
- arcavia d/l
- Sherlock Holmes
- Extensible Firmware Interface
- Corba FAQ
- Why Open-Source Software Matters to End Users:
Countering Locked-Up Data and Locked-In
by D.H. Brown Associates - Thu, 11 May 2000
- Mitchell Wand. Continuation-Based Multiprocessing. Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation,
12(3):285--299, October 1999. Originally appeared in the 1980 Lisp Conference.
- SK8
- The Brown/MIT Vannevar Bush Symposium, Oct 1995
- secureos
- startup failures
- Catching Bugs in the Web of Program Invariants" (gag)
- "Smalltalk-80:The Language and Its Implementation"
- "A Real Time Garbage Collector Based On The Lifetimes of Objects" by Henry Lieberman and Carl Hewitt, Communications of the ACM, June 1983:
- "A Reflective System is as Extensible as its Internal Representations: An Illustration" by John Wiseman Simmons II and Daniel P. Friedman
- John Wiseman Simmons
- samhain
- hatcliff97
- NeoLogo
- python cp4e
- GNU/Linux dans les ecoles au Quebec
- L'opinion de JN Tronc, le conseiller de Jospin pour les nouvelles technologies, sur les logiciels libres
- uscode
- f4
- jklunder
- rozman.com
- courrier international
- CSS2
- Mozart
- xrome
- local
- rdrive
- is forth
- Eugene Styer mentions six 'one instruction computers'
- terralthra
- eben moglen
- dickie
- St Andrews: Charm
- Démocratie Libérale
- Olympus
- /. stuff
- azuma
- tsp
- gay
- mundane behavior
- topfinance
- tocamak
- RH Ventures
- RH Ventures
- Moïse
- Turing
- kay
- reference
- presse libre
- o music
- lisposes
- course using Scheme
- MLton
- 14
- Refining Hygienic Macros for Modules and Separate Compilation. ATR
Technical Report TR-H-171, ATR Human Information Processing
Research Laboratories, Kyoto, 1995.
- Tran Quang Hai & Bach Yen
- C--
- The Sound Site
- opensource handhelds
- jacquin
- MIT application instruction
- Grab technical report 423 there
- bp
- libra is a Lazy Interpreter of Binary Relational Algebra
- carbonkernel.org
- iPAQ Pocket PC @ USD 469
- zebedee
- stunnel
- domain and type enforcement
- palmagora
- RepairFAQ
- W3C: css |
RDF (rrs)
- stamper
- timestamp.verisign
- tunes mailman
- validate
- Bad Navigation
- irving W-B
- Jaron Lanier Takes On "Cybernetic Totalists"
- bad management
- chpp is CHakotay PreProcessor, a macro preprocessor which can probably be best described as a mixture of cpp, M4, Perl and Scheme
- Taos review
- Marc Hermans
- cyber law
- opencode
- freegis
- Contemporary Philosophy of Mind: An Annotated Bibliography
Compiled by David Chalmers
- ch14n1
- i-lang
- pickdoc
- aardappel
- Vapour [old]
- hoang xuan han nghiem.xuan-hai@math.u-psud.fr
- bourdoncle: indexation
- RT-0117 The ZINC experiment : an economical implementation of the ML language - Xavier Leroy
- mojonation
- l-prolog: gopalan
- l-prolog: dale
- http://reports-archive.adm.cs.cmu.edu:80/anon/2000/CMU-CS-00-161F.ps
- http://www.cs.mdx.ac.uk/harold/papers/javaspae.html
- http://www.geocities.com/sdp16_2000/liberte.htm
- http://www.w3.org/RDF/
- http://cgi.dmi.ens.fr/cgi-bin/monniaux/absinthe
- http://www.ecn.org/mutante/
- http://www.lrde.epita.fr/en/about/index.html
- http://lambda.weblogs.com/
- http://www.brics.dk/~pado2/
- http://www.aopsys.com/
- http://www.rom.org/puppet.jpg
- http://www.pickover.com/hoax10.jpg
- http://www.ai.univ-paris8.fr/~mh/DEA/logique/
- http://www.carnall.demon.co.uk/stallman/intro.html
- http://www.catseye.mb.ca/
- http://www.lemonadelounge.com/lyrics/lyrics53.html
- http://www.google.com/search?q=FAI+ADSL+Paris&restrict=Fran%E7ais&num=100
- http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/6297/faq1.html
- http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/1998/03/BOURDIEU/10167.html
- http://www.internettrash.com/users/danielg/recur2.html
- http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/2.04/idees.fortes1.html
- http://lwn.net/
- http://news.ft.com/ft/gx.cgi/ftc?pagename=View&c=Article&cid=FT3OWFFGXAC&live=true&ta
- http://www.upside.com/texis/mvm/story?id=39748db50
- http://www.icsi.berkeley.edu/NTL/
- http://www.ibm.com/developer/linux/eu_en/program.html
- http://www.cpv.org.vn/tacpham/maceng/mucluc2.htm
- Jakob Nielsen interviewed on /.
- FOX gui
- old RedHat 4.2 mirror
- napster is right
- HyperNietzsche
- citeseer
- Mikro
- IBM's SawMill
- C cnet
- oojokes
- saidani
- license guilde
- chase thesis
- kangaroo
- pompidou
- au couteau
- R Jones' GC bibliography
- refdbms
- autonomy
- debunking urban legends
- net+ultra
- Fairmeans Consulting, Inc
- boot os a
- flamewar
- publius
- MathImage
- turpap
- ecfh
- deadlock@cotelcam.com.ar
- axel 2000
- ocaml.org
- girard
- boasl
- lettre1
- java semantics
- economic history
- EP1
- nexwave-solutions.fr (formerly suntech)
- stanford formal
- denker99rewriting
- talcott96actor
- 36390
- 0011037
- mxh
- schichtenberg
- luca@daimi
- pure oo
- functional nets
- Clovers: The Dynamic Behavior of Types and Instances
- FX
- forth links
- Advanced Compiler Design & Implementation
- mustang
- Forth Incompatible Timesharing System
- schemelets
- caliceo
- langage des fleurs
- CLaReT is a tool to support formal reasoning about computer languages and specific programs or language texts.
- french size charts
- quote log
- jjohnson
- the ones
- vd
- ota words
- bbl
- readme
- isilrep
- am i hot or not
- gutenberg
- freedrive
- netultra
- /.
- book
- xxx
- etos
- immaterial
- immaterial
- Read mark Jones THIH stuff. Inspiring.
- partframe
- standalone erlang
- elmart
- screen navigator
- greenspun
- multicians
- Sk8
- Eon
- NY Times w/o login
- macworld
- eihrul (slate)
- hekman
- mouffe
- Go
- linux half-life
- xml cha03
- hosoya XML
- mumps
- mumps2
- snobol
- snobol
- snobol
- snobol
- snobol
- snobol
- Dynamic CAML
- bidwatcher
- pangaro thesis (cybernethics)
- cyber-macmillan
- paul pangaro
- IGOR engraver (music notation for mac)
- trilvl
- Java hurt
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- fairtunes
- sourcefunds
- travelocity
- Malcolm Atkinson
- Gordon Pask
- squeak
- Pat Terry's book "Compilers and Compiler Generators"
- burks
- Snobol4 Site
- turtle and mouse
- xmlrpcdiff
- Talk given at the Dagstuhl Seminar on Code Optimization, September 2000.
- gmh
- capital structure evolution
- liberaux norvegiens
- functional objects
- vache à lait.org
- http://www.forbes.com/asap/2000/1127/162_print.html
- The Wall Street Performer Protocol: Using Software Completion Bonds To Fund Open Source Software Development
- sacem
- CowSim
- Java macros (also see OpenJava)
- .net tdg
- 1984
- Funnel
- stallman3
- G183
- Samson Abramsky
- The Debugging Scandal and What to Do About It
- Programming on an Already Full Brain
- feynman on nanotech
- pidgin
- first class modules in mosml
- montgallet
- ocaml linkdb
- XML en Java
- Gamma correction
- Sobre et de Bon Goût
- Rappar
- 234600
- karinkuru
- abrash back
- asf | pickup guide | fast seduction | polyamory
- napkin
- inspiration for computer-human interfaces
- phenix
- A Functional Pattern System for Object-Oriented Design
- istl uir
- robertson
- D. A. Henderson, Jr. and S. Card, K. (1986). Rooms: The Use of Multiple Virtual Workspaces to Reduce Space Contention in a Window-Based Graphical User Interface. ACM Transactions on Graphics 5(3, July): 211-241.
- ocaml-mod
- inductive synthesis
- presentations
- "Software Innovations for the Texas Instruments Explorer Computer" H.R. Tennant et al. Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 73, no. 12, Dec. 1985, page 1771
- tilt
- Jamaica
- #{}
- thi
- lustre
- dmoz OS
- ffigen (voir aussi SWIG, g-wrap (GNU cash), etc)
- Against Politics
- Neil D. Jones on expressiveness
- tiss.com
- cc2001
- HAKMEM on cf
- Gosper has an old paper
- A simple introduction to continued fractions
- The Inverse Symbolic Calculator
- rt gc
- list of small open source kernels:
| Cunillini
| Apostle OS microkernel
| EduOS
| Möbius
| Möbius
| Chaos, a GPLed microkernel
| SkyOS
| Little OS
| Little OS
| OpenBLT
| pk/Roadrunner
| Bits and Pieces Microkernel
| Bill Currie's KERNEL.
| Old (small!) versions of the Linux kernel
| Bart Sekura's TINOS.
| Cosmos
- basiliskII
- jit basilisk II
- openadaptor
- Object Code Translation Homepage
- Emulation Software R&D WWW Page
- jpb
- Knit
- Macintosh software version tracker
- BIOS beeps
- other singles
- Postscript docs
- open university
- sem designs
- heart
- boite de jazz
- SRP (Stanford), qui permet de faire de l'échange de clés
- Walter Smith: newton
- abstract syntax description language
- prolog tools
- antlr
- cogent catalog
- HotDog Scheme compiler
- claude e shannon
- bazar
- pldi01
- jacaranda
- siae-en
- davimac
- IPNetstuff
- pure-mac
- securemac
- wormintheapple
- favicon
- ndt
- severin
- zsh
- Mustang
- Walid Taha
- big brother
- nevrax, à Paris
- flight linux (RT)
- hhsys
- there are some interesting programming tutorials
- pes20
- DL Hebdo
- "How JAVA's Floating-Point Hurts Everyone Everywhere"
- EncyCMUCLopedia
- erlang script
- Paradyn
- DynInst
- Executable Editing Library
- sabre/os
- osd
- 500mhz
- os
- cilux
- dsl
- netfilter
- C++ exception handling
- wiener cyb
- moby
- attatm
- cross GCC
- etherboot
- le monde
- computer songs
- le monde
- backflip
- "Equational Logic Programming"
- "Q - Equational Programming Language"
- "Rewriting Home Page"
- anemalab
- Aiken & Gray's PLDI 1998 paper "Memory Management with Explicit Regions" cites a number of authors for (regions|zones|groups|arenas).
- SDX: Systeme de Doc XML
- brad delong (economy, etc)
- esop 2001
- semantic web
- Ternary search tries
- functional METAPOST.
- TRaAT: Term Rewriting and All That
by Franz Baader and Tobias Nipkow
- Cmm memory management for C++ (gc)
- Xanadu
- Max Stirner
- "How to Design Programs"
- Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments
- metamath
- Damien Broderick
- extropian music?
- syntel OS
- public library of science
- pnas
- robin hanson
- Intentional Programming
- hal varian
- ella lyrics
- singinst intro
- singularity
- transhumanist
- SL4
- economist
- oral agreg
- unix tutorial
- atg's sphere
- hdparm
- Microsoft's Attack on Open Source: Linus Torvalds Replies
- cyb
- Steve Lehar on consciousness
- Strandh: indentation
- QuickTime recordings of the previous panels are available under the Dynamic Languages Group web page
- pringle Enth
- goertzel father
- Stallman about copyrights
- Linux@work Paris, June 13, 2001
- robert anton wilson
- john c lilly
- olivier sigaud
- autopoiesis
- prog lang
- droit technologie
- capitalism and open source
- capitalism.org
- origami
- The Great Programming Language Shootout
- poesia
- abortion links
- jeunesse
- mnesia
- phi recommended by kmp
- freedom to hear
- rms 87
- lights
- XOSL eXtended OS Loader
- lee corbin pit and duplicate
- msoft
- MSvsPF
- hotdispatch
- q exchange
- John Hughes' arrows
- runciman heap profiling
- e-gold
- gabriel wibp
- qualia
- bastiat...
- bastiat
- unified newton archive
- fps sans escher
- SafeTSA: A Type Safe and Referentially Secure Mobile-Code Representation Based on Static Single Assignment Form;
- Diskin's and Kadish's papers on CT and database theory
- secworld
- sommaire
- radical constructivism
- petreley
- /.
- xmldev
- Zaleski
- Stella
- Modal Logic
- runtime
- Giggle runtime
- wli
- gmachine
- afie
- eros has orthogonal persistence
- wadc
- oop problems
- bagley shootout
- Barendregt lambda calculus
- contre copyright
- project Meta
- JL Dormoy
- MetaJ
- metaML
- Modal logic for metaprogramming
- hands (meta compilation)
- Meta TF
- Dan Wang: metagc
- metareasoning
- jaures
- jaures
- txl
- i3net
- etui
- andrzej
- jagannathan
- queinnec
- slate mentioned
- bastiat austrian
- cclan
- linear logic
- linear logic
- linear logic
- alexiev
- lygon
- oss fs why
- libertytapes
- vakooler
- tous les savoirs
- jasay
- JL Lauriere
- plat_ix
- http://singinst.org/flare/
- Joe Cartoon (test flash)
- views
- views
- views ifl96
- "Statically checkable pattern abstractions", ICFP'97.
- Nguyen Chi Thien
- vn
- wlfo mac
- peter van roy book
- viethoc
- sdenney
- sseal
- ipo mandrake
- 0048
- ccnet actu
- brevets
- brevets academie
- Jean-Claude Héritier: "Les logiciels libres - un modèle économique viable?"
- bastiat article IBD
- Systas Scheme
- logic interp
- stallman
- artist
- ip ethics
- The Underdogs (old computer games for download!)
- dloo
- coreconvergence
- miniguide air courier
- colorforth
- ut
- modprog
- http://sleepless-night.com/cgi-bin/twiki/view/Main/ColorForth
- lino
- programmes télé sur telerama
- sexe
- homogeneity
- see footnote 7
- edrx's forth links
- etexts from mises institute
- fsf2
- la page d'acceuil du programme
- sms.ac
- go viet 2
- go viet 3
- uvn
- sdae
- gastro hamburg
- Reflection 2001
- Thomas Nemeth
- OS weblog
- Flash Informatique 01
- Oscar Waddel's thesis (which I get added to the bibliography at some point fairly soon)
- lucovsky
- "An Engineer's View of Venture Capitalists" by Nick Tredennick
- erlang extensions
- meta
- meta art
- meta (login "zeroCode")
- 1984
- notation
- backends
- forth
- Anton Ertl on VMs
- flare lang
- rtld.s
- there's an ELF/x86 doc and an SVR4/x86 ABI doc.
- ruby X11
- jMax
- video 4 jMax
- Dan NM has a XL1200
- drugs
- internet i18n
- ITA software
- ITA story
- franz outside
- human action
- Refusing to be told how to think
- AtheOS
- ETH Oberon
- SkyOS
- THEOS Software (GB)
- implicit parameters
- concours LL
- iranian opinion on afghanistan
- concours essai 2000 mots
- "On the Unusual Effectiveness of Logic in Computer Science ", Joseph Y. Halpern, Robert Harper, Neil Immerman, Phokion G. Kolaitis, Moshe Y. Vardi, Victor Vianu
- Beeps and tones Startup (for diagnosing seriously screwed up computers)
- yahoo store
- Escaping the Event Loop: an Alternative Control Structure for Multi-threaded GUIs. David Fuchs. EHCI '95
- Andzrej Filinski's thesis, Controlling Effects
- Instituto Libertad y Democracia (Hernando de Soto)
- metaprogrammation en prolog
- erights
- OpenPhD
- course on Virtual Machine Architectures, Implementations and Applications
- keynes by Milton Friedman
- http://www.geocities.com/metamorfosisnet/Textos_Literarios/Cuentos/El_gran_Inquisidor.htm
- pour vega
- feu le PBG3 series de maman (233MHz)
- Is God a Taoist? Raymond Smullyan
- "The Stony Brook Algorithm Repository"
- hitch4
- http://www.geek-girl.com/mit.research.how.to/section3.11.html
- http://www.hazlitt.org/e-texts/morality/ch13.html
- http://www.openp2p.com/lpt/a//p2p/2001/10/29/oram_speech.html
- autonomic computing
- Monad in Glasgow
- The Inmates are Running the Asylum (software installation)
- flow-based programming
- Mobile UNITY
- defsystem in lispworks
- http://www.oreilly.com/oreilly/author/ch01.html
- comments in the EU consolation on the Hague Convention
- pour theolis
- pour theolis
- finalization gc and deterministic destruction
- modal fallacy
- "hard" real time lisp GC
- Keynes
- metatext
- metatext
- evilos
- sxm
- erlang ParseTransform
- bastiat
- ExtremeSuccess
- pop11
- austrian eco
- rpt00 01
- simagent in poplog
- talk 2: agents in poplog
- fuck france
- ll1
- ll1 ml
- linking
- 1e5 clients problem
- arc no oo
- castagna
- behaviours (patterns in Erlang)
- freedom or power
- how to use Scheme
- CAM-2 -- The New Categorical Abstract Machine(s)
- a nation of cowards
- Linux IDE
- research
- darius
- chu spaces
- New Programming Language
- scheme webserver
- graunke 10
- lispweb
- pltscheme
- Bedonkey
- iobj
- aardappel
- l'organe
- cvincent
- tnc
- http://www.polytechnique.fr/Ens/org/vacance/vac2002suite.html
- liam
- works
- squeak
- Economie Politique en une leçon
- gcc xml tool for header extraction
- language manifesto
- 6$ par mois en e-gold
- introspector for GNU binutils
- photos
- database debunking
- Hernando de soto
- http://www.iew.unizh.ch/wp/iewwp117.pdf
- http://www.liacs.nl/PhDThesis/andries-96.html
- liberaux
- Myers-Briggs en FR
- mite
- extensible compiler
- shelldorado
- lri arch
- arrows
- corba
- to see why C/C++ syntax sucks.
- Type Systems
- PDP-10 emulator with ITS and MACLISP
- ITS site with correct lisp files
- gnut scriptable gnutella client
- ai
- Intelligent Help Systems for UNIX by Alex Quilici
- Interaction, Computability, and Church's Thesis
- dating miningco
- geek handbook
- halpin
- Preamble: 100% and 80% solutions
- EMACS: The Extensible, Customizable Display Editor
- Adaptive Software
- Carl De Marcken: Inside Orbitz
- majcher
- "Persistence Not Orthogonal to Type", by C.J.Date
- The Essence of XML
- spearthrow
- shaffer
- entelechy: user=guest passwd=guest
- KaZaA on WINE
- goo
- FramerD, FDscript
- conor mcbride
- dudegalea
- joel on software
- jobs .lu
- jobs .lu
- linux
- dmca
- opensource mit
- gpf
- hp48 lisp
- open source schools
- computational refletion
- Patents NY times
- Eclipse, successor to Visual Age
- netbeans
- TeX2page
- modal fallacy
- what is consciousness?
- PDOS Security and Privacy
- expert evaluateur europeen
- ap5
- evolution
- intentsoft
- LEGO Bag End
- slate
- Morgan Ommer
- sapienza PI
- sapienza PI
- lorgane
- atlas victorious
- stephan kinsella
- no ip
- album
- graduate
- flipdog
- dice
- franz careers
- Class Library for Numbers, CLISP's numeric tower implementation as GPL, by Bruno Haible
- forthos
- morphicl
- "The Stony Brook Algorithm Repository"
- azuma
- mit research
- oram
- autonomic computing
- Monad in Glasgow
- tcfs (remplacement nfs crypto?)
- The Inmates are Running the Asylum (software installation)
- Your Worst Enemy_
- flow-based programming
- Mobile UNITY
- defsystem in lispworks
- ch01
- comments in the EU consolation on the Hague Convention
- pour theolis
- pour theolis
- finalization gc and deterministic destruction1
- modal fallacy
- no ip
- "hard" real time lisp GC
- http://www.geocities.com/metamorfosisnet/Textos_Literarios/Cuentos/El_gran_Inquisidor.htm
- pour vega
- tmda
- words made flesh
- strachey
- gbf
- Mauléon-Narbonne
- reflection maastricht
- Free Windows DLL Library
- anderson
- download
- mumble
- syntax
- CommonLisp Aspect System
- data recovery
- datexeurope
- wipout
- suspend linux
- vlee virtual lisp machine emulator
- kde3 on debian
- djvulibre
- debian
classwork.busadm.mu.edu ford vs monopoly
- weird
- xbvl
- xbvl en
- unixodbc
- partial port of SHRDLU to CL
- burton
- AOP not doable with MOP
- CL cookbook
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/squeak/message/43645
- software disasters
- erreurs a corriger.
- schlep
- Q language
- merlin self
- (composing first-class transactions)
- lisp-p
- Rosenberg's Universal Foreign Language Interface (UFFI)
- ML/I macro processor
- survey
- High Level Assembler
- smi
- IP napster
- Stallman on Patents
- gigatext scandal
- cigvejy
- angry flower
- forum social contract
- meaningoflife
- crackpot theories
- fdscript is [scheme+sw] a lightweight Unicode Scheme interpreter with linear continuations, distributed computation, and non-hygeinic macros
- LISPM patent?
- 444
- 528
- aim 514
- sbt
- lispos
- ...
- kent
- joswig
- p94
- http://www.nonzero.org/slatemuslims.htm
- theolis?
- Xanadu et al.
- Animated penguins
- pet names
- tpsrvgc
- gc
- Daniel Wang's thesis
- in progress
- e1000abs
- SIMH - Computer History Simulation Project
- velo pliant
- http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~aaronson/zoo.html
- http://tunes.org/~water/arrow/doc/ArrowTechnical.ps
- http://www.cs.ucsd.edu/users/goguen/projs/halg.html
- http://www.proxomitron.org
- http://www.equi4.com/old/schmoo.html
- http://www.litestep.info
- http://www.shellfront.org
- http://www.geoshellx.com
- http://totl.net/STI/athome/
- http://web.archive.org/web/20011007074838/www.sti.gr/parissis/index.html
- http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/01/19/0255228&mode=nested&tid=111
- http://www.ml-labo.com/eng/kani_lisp.htm
- http://www.demillo.com/Social_Processes.pdf
- Grammar of latin languages
- Basic Phrases in Italian, German and French
- Centro Studi Italiani
- REFAL programming language by V. Turchin
Order from Sun: SMLI TR 2001-98 - jeanie.treichel@eng.sun.com
- http://www.ericsson.com/cslab/publications/bjarnelic.ps
- http://green.iis.nsk.su/~vp/doc/lisp1.5/mccarthy.html
- http://www.geocities.com/alternate_histories/Alternate_Hist/Linith_and_Far.html
- http://www.codebox.8m.com/lisp.htm
- http://www.alice.org
- http://web.archive.org/web/20010801173325/
- http://stony-brook.scrc.symbolics.com/www/index.html
_Big Ball of Mud_ ?
- http://people.netscape.com/drush/zap>
- http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~mal/avocs03/
- http://www.rocamora.org/gift_selftest.html
- http://www.conservativeforum.org/EssaysForm.asp?ID=6096
- http://www.digitalib.org
- http://okmij.org/ftp/Scheme/macros.html#Macro-CPS-programming
- http://library.readscheme.org/papers/T_manual.pdf
- ftp://ftp.cs.indiana.edu/pub/scheme-repository/imp/t/manual.gz
- http://library.readscheme.org
- http://ellensplace.net/ar_pboy.html
- http://araneida.telent.net/docs/index.html
- http://www.cwjobs.co.uk
- http://www.jonathangullible.com/media.htm
- http://www.blancmange.net/tmh/articles/object12.shtml
- http://www.canevet.com/
- http://www.objectweb.org/conferences/2002/program.html
- Alex Tabarrok on Patents
- http://spoirier.lautre.net/liberalisme.htm
- http://www.parecon.org
- http://web.archive.org/web/20020126153615/www.zolatimes.com/V3.22/socialism.html
- http://web.archive.org/web/20011018221648/http://www.digitalib.org/index.html
- Bootstrapping a simple compiler from nothing
- "Symbolic Processing in Pascal" has an interesting chapter called "Self-compiling Compilers"
- claimed to be the "The smallest self compiling pseudo C compiler"
- http://openmcl.clozure.com/Doc/interface-translation.html
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- drogues, etc.
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- US Army:
You must apply for U.S. citizenship through
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Once you have an I-551 or a document with a registration number reflecting
"processing for an I-551", you can apply to enlist.
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- Lemieux déclaration de souveraineté individuelle
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