Faré's Articles

This page contains articles in French or in English, that are in no way translations of each other, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Please read those warnings. Note that I've been moving articles to my page on Liberty.

Cette page contient des articles en français et en anglais, qui ne sont aucunement des traductions les uns des autres, sauf mention contraire explicite. Veuillez lire cet avertissement. Notez que je suis en train de déplacer des articles vers ma page sur le Libéralisme.

Articles en Français

A noter que j'ai aussi écrit en français une page sur le Libre Logiciel, et un Manifeste de la Libre Information.

Articles in English

About Eric S. Raymond's articles
Notes about "the Cathedral and the Bazaar" and other writings by Eric S. Raymond.
(first published on 1998-05-26; last updated on 2000-04-21)

Metaprogramming and Free Availability of Sources
(shown at conference «Autour du Libre 1999», 1999-01-26; mistranslated from french above).

Church of Freedom
Ramblings on religion, governments and true spirituality.
(started on 2000-07-15; "completed")

Patents are an Economic Absurdity
An economical, technical and social analysis of patents, that shows how the whole patent system is a vast fraud.
(started on 2000-12-01; completed; last updated 2001-03-07)

Design Ideas for a Future Computer Virus
(started on 2002-01-14; completed on 2002-01-19).

Stamps vs Spam
(written from 2002-09-17 to 2002-09-19).


The Catallactics of Free software
Random ramblings on Free software and Economics.
(started on 1998-06-13; under progress)

Free Information versus Free Expression
Very short remarks on an important political subject.
(started on 1998-06-14; under progress)

Ethics and Information
Some basics for cybernethics.
(started on 1998-08-10; under progress)

A Free Software Auction Service
Plea for the opening of a free software auction service.
(started on 1998-12-26; under progress)

Why a New OS ?
An article I wrote to explain the motivation behind the Tunes project. Only one quarter of it is done, but it already contains some interesting material.
(started looong ago; unfinished)

Computer Viruses Are Caused By Proprietary Software
(started on 2001-09-22; under progress).

Faré -- François-René Rideau -- Ðặng-Vũ Bân