Prototypes: Object-Orientation, Functionally
Plan of the Talk
- Prelude: OO vs FP?
- Introduction: Wherefore OO?
- Minimal OO: Mixin Functions
- Inheritance
- OO with(out) Objects
- Class = Proto Type Top
- (Im)Pure Challenges
- Conclusion: OO is FP
Prelude: OO vs FP?
Language Wars: OO vs FP
Talking Past Each Other… for Decades
FP in Ivory Towers, OO in Industrial Slums
Videos, Books, Courses… all wrong
“Incommensurable paradigms” (Gabriel)
Prelude: OO vs FP?
Reluctant Peace: OO and FP
Yet, in practice: mutual adoption!
Modern OO languages adopted (limited) FP
Modern FP languages adopted (limited) OO
… Lisp: both unlimited since ~1976
Prelude: OO vs FP?
OO for FP
FP is my tribe — probably yours
Vast evidence that OO matters
FP can make its semantics simpler
Practical Precedent: Jsonnet (2014), Nix (2015)
Prelude: OO vs FP?
Scheme Workshop 2021 Paper
Why OO matters — Incremental Modularity
What OO is — Constructive Semantics in FP
Demystify fundamental concepts of OO
Prototypes before Classes, Purity before Mutation
Prototypes: Object-Orientation, Functionally
Plan of the Talk
- Prelude: OO vs FP?
- Introduction: Wherefore OO?
- Minimal OO: Mixin Functions
- Inheritance
- OO with(out) Objects
- Class = Proto Type Top
- (Im)Pure Challenges
- Conclusion: OO is FP
Introduction: Wherefore OO?
What OO isn’t about
“Encapsulation”, “Information Hiding”
Inheritance vs Composition
Mutation everywhere
Message Passing everywhere
Introduction: Wherefore OO?
What OO is about
Modularity: limited knowledge in
Incrementality: limited knowledge out
... Intralinguistically
A way to factor software
... to support Division of Labor
Introduction: Wherefore OO?
How OO does it
Ad Hoc Polymorphism
Open Recursion
... as First-Class (or Second-Class) Entities
Enabling Teamwork among Developers
Introduction: Wherefore OO?
Incremental Specification
Tree ⊂ Type
Binary_Tree ⊂ Tree
Balanced_Binary_Tree ⊂ Binary_Tree
Red_Black_Tree ⊂ Balanced_Binary_Tree
AVL_Tree ⊂ Balanced_Binary_Tree
Integer_Keyed_Tree ⊂ Tree
MyTree ⊂ Integer_Keyed_Tree ∩ AVL_Tree
Prototypes: Object-Orientation, Functionally
Plan of the Talk
- Prelude: OO vs FP?
- Introduction: Wherefore OO?
- Minimal OO: Mixin Functions
- Inheritance
- OO with(out) Objects
- Class = Proto Type Top
- (Im)Pure Challenges
- Conclusion: OO is FP
Minimal OO: Mixin Functions
Simplest OO Concept
= structures and algorithms to specify
= modular increment of specification
build :: Spec → Target
inherit :: Spec → Spec → Spec
Minimal OO: Mixin Functions
Simplest Spec, modeled as a Function…
Output: partial(?) target, more elaborate than before
Input 2: partial target so far (incrementality)
Input 1: whole target (modularity)
type Spec = PreTarget → PreTarget → PreTarget
OK, but monomorphic, or even dynamically typed
type PreTarget = FiniteMap String Any
Minimal OO: Mixin Functions
Mixin Function: Simplest Spec (w/ subtyping)
type Mixin inherited used defined =
inherited → used → defined
build :: (top → self → self) → top → self
build = λ t m ↦ Y (m t)
inherit :: (i1⋂d2 → u1 → d1) → (i2 → u2 → d2) →
i2 → u1⋂u2 → d1⋂d2
inherit = λ c p u s ↦ c (p u s) s
Minimal OO: Mixin Functions
Is it OO at all? Aren’t objects records?
OO is usually about key-value records
Record = Product of indexed (or dependent) types
method, attribute, field, var, slot, property, member…
You can (and often do) have records without OO!
Minimal OO: Mixin Functions
Record (whether Target or not) (untyped)
rtop = λ _ ↦ error "No such method"
rcons = λ k v r m ↦ if k == m then v else r m
point = rcons 'a 3 (rcons 'b 4 rtop)
point 'a
⟶ 3
Minimal OO: Mixin Functions
Specifications for Records
kv = λ k v s t ↦ rcons k v t
point = build (inherit (kv 'a 3) (kv 'b 4)) rtop
point 'a
⟶ 3
Minimal OO: Mixin Functions
Non-Constant Specifications
method = λ k f s t ↦ rcons k (f s (t k)) t
fudgeX = method 'x
λ self next ↦ (self 'fudge) * next
multXY = method 'p
λ self _ ↦ (self 'x) * (self 'y)
Minimal OO: Mixin Functions
Mixins as simplest functional model for OO
Theory: Bracha & Cook, “Mixins” 1990 (w/ records)
Practice: Jsonnet 2014, Nix 2015 (w/ records, untyped)
Types: Oliveira 2009 (w/o records)
Plenty of less simple, less pure precedents
Prototypes: Object-Orientation, Functionally
Plan of the Talk
- Prelude: OO vs FP?
- Introduction: Wherefore OO?
- Minimal OO: Mixin Functions
- Inheritance
- OO with(out) Objects
- Class = Proto Type Top
- (Im)Pure Challenges
- Conclusion: OO is FP
Mixin Inheritance: The First shall be Last
Simplest form of inheritance… given FP
Relies on higher-order functions, fixed-points, laziness
Requires more elaborate types than usual for FP
… or dynamic types, unpopular within FP
Historically discovered last ’90, deployed recently 2006
Single Inheritance: Historical First
“prefix class” in Simula ’67, Smalltalk ’71
type Gen self = self → self
is given)
buildGen :: Gen self → self
(= Y
inheritGen :: Mixin s t → Gen t → Gen s
You can apply / cons mixins but not compose / append them
Mixin Inheritance beats Single
Mixin Inheritance: write once, use many
More for less: More expressive, more incremental
For use in many contexts, you need stricter types:
type Mixin self super = ∀ eself, esuper ⇒
eself ⊂ self ⇒ esuper ⊂ super ⇒
eself ⊂ esuper ⇒ eself → esuper → eself
Problem: Mixin Dependencies

Pre-composing mixins leads to
[Z K1 C O A O B O K3 A O B O D O K2 D O E O]
Post-composing mixins decreases modularity
Keep Mixin Dependencies Modular?
What if you change K3
Manual curation:
- users must update when dependencies change
- users must track transitive dependencies
Modularity: implementation computes precedence list
- users needn’t update when dependencies change
- users need only track direct dependencies
Not a Problem for Single Inheritance
Single Inheritance too inexpressive to have the issue
Only one direct super, no duplicate transitive super
“prefix” property: precedence list for super-spec is a suffix
Flavors precedence list reverse of Simula “prefix” class list
Multiple Inheritance beats Mixin

Automatically linearize the DAG into a precedence list
e.g. [Z K1 K3 K2 C A B D E O]
Multiple Inheritance: Precedence Lists
easy precedence lists: [O] [A O] [B O] [C O]
bad precedence lists:
[K1 C O A O B O]
[Z K1 K2 K3 A B C D E O]
C3: preserve coherence properties
[K1 C A B O]
[Z K1 C K3 A K2 B D E O]
Combining Multiple and Single Inheritance
Specs with “prefix” property enable optimizations
CLOS: “class” vs “struct”. Scala: “trait” vs “class”
C4: additional coherence property for “prefix” specs
Optimal combination — implemented in Gerbil Scheme
Prototypes: Object-Orientation, Functionally
Plan of the Talk
- Prelude: OO vs FP?
- Introduction: Wherefore OO?
- Minimal OO: Mixin Functions
- Inheritance
- OO with(out) Objects
- Class = Proto Type Top
- (Im)Pure Challenges
- Conclusion: OO is FP
OO with(out) Objects
Specifications: OO without Objects
So far, no Class, no Object!
Only Spec (no record) and Target (no inheritance)
Sufficient to produce… these slides
Yet, we recognize (almost?) all of OO
Entire Field a Misnomer… “Inheritance” > “OO”
OO with(out) Objects
Targets beyond Records
Specs for arbitrary “Records”,
… with very different representations
Specs for numerical functions, for integers, etc.
But Records allow intermediate aspects of any type
… without weird low-level encodings
OO with(out) Objects
Modular Extensibility
Spec for a vast DAG of Records
Which records in the DAG are extension points?
None | Exponential explosion | All of them
Or maybe stage all extensions before computation?
OO with(out) Objects
Conflation: Proto = Spec × Target
Ubiquitous Extensibility at every level
Every “Prototype” is both Spec and Target
Proto = Spec × Target
Purity ⇒ Target unique up to observation
THAT is what Prototype OO calls an “object”
OO with(out) Objects
Prototype OO
An “object” (or “instance”) is a Prototype (for a Record)
Prototype is first-class entity conflating Spec and Target
Mutable: Ani ’76, ThingLab ’77, T ’82, Self ’86, JS ’95
Pure: Jsonnet 2014, Nix 2015
OO with(out) Objects
Conflation: Specs beyond Mixins
multiple inheritance:
Spec = Mixin ? ? × (List Spec)
default values:
Spec = Mixin ? ? × (List Spec) × Record ?
More: “No Such Message” handler, Assertions, Types…
OO with(out) Objects
Conflation: Targets beyond Records
Target can be Conflation of Record, Function, etc.
Callable objects (Smalltalk, T, CLOS, C++, Scala, Java, etc.)
Proxies for any “kind” value
“Pure OO”: No privileged builtins
OO with(out) Objects
Secret to Semantic Simplicity
Recognizing two distinct entities, Spec and Target
Conflation without Distinction = Confusion
Lack of awareness ⇒ formalizations that miss the point
Conflation with Distinction = Simplicity
“reasonable” semantics, superior ergonomics
Jsonnet (2014) [“Components” in T (1982)]
Prototypes: Object-Orientation, Functionally
Plan of the Talk
- Prelude: OO vs FP?
- Introduction: Wherefore OO?
- Minimal OO: Mixin Functions
- Inheritance
- OO with(out) Objects
- Class = Proto Type Top
- (Im)Pure Challenges
- Conclusion: OO is FP
Class = Proto Type Top
Where are the Classes?
Simula ’67, Smalltalk, C++, CLOS, Java, C#, Python…
So much in common with Prototype OO… yet so different!
Is Class OO even the same paradigm?
What relationship between Prototypes and Classes?
Class = Proto Type Top
Type descriptors!
Target = descriptor for Type and functions (SML module)
Spec = add or override methods for Type
Spec vs Target = Abstract Class vs Concrete Class
Class = Proto Type Top
Class OO
An “object” (or “instance”) is
an element of a Class (seen as its Target Type)
A class is a second-class Prototype for a Type
Mutable: Simula ’67, Smalltalk ’71, Flavors ’82, C++ ’85
Pure: OCaml(?) ’96, OOHaskell 2005
Class = Proto Type Top
From Type Descriptor to Type
Staging, Existential types, Dependent types…
Most PLs have limited type-level computations
Mixin vs single- vs multiple- inheritance matter
Singleton Class a bit like Prototype, but lacking dynamism
Class = Proto Type Top
Class vs Typeclass
Class vs Typeclass, vtable vs “dictionary”
Pre-vtable constructor vs burden of dictionary
Type-directed synthesis as meta-level computation
Haskell Typeclasses: good modularity, bad incrementality
Automated translation, see LIL (2012)
Prototypes: Object-Orientation, Functionally
Plan of the Talk
- Prelude: OO vs FP?
- Introduction: Wherefore OO?
- Minimal OO: Mixin Functions
- Inheritance
- OO with(out) Objects
- Class = Proto Type Top
- (Im)Pure Challenges
- Conclusion: OO is FP
(Im)Pure Challenges
Pure Functional Specs and Targets
Eager Y: only function targets, no sharing, recomputations
Lazy Y: any (delayed) value, sharing, no recomputations
Target as Computation vs Value (CBPV 1999)
Fixed-Point as co-inductive vs inductive
(Im)Pure Challenges
Pure? Identity for DAG
Multiple Inheritance in Nix: no ===
for DAG
Unique tag: non-determinism? side-effect?
“Solutions”: State? Monads? Opaque tag? Explicit labels?
Labeling convention: moving computation to wetware
(Im)Pure Challenges
Issues with Side-Effects
Many targets for a same spec? Cloning vs Sharing?
Dynamically modify a super? a list of supers?
Class OO: all prototypes are pure… at compile-time
Linearity: more Optimizations, harder Enforcement
Caching: more Sharing, harder Invalidation
(Im)Pure Challenges
Pure? Non-local specification increments
Multimethods, Mutually recursive classes, Friend classes?
Haskell problem: orphan typeclass targets
Hack: side-effect global table, hope for no conflict
Nix solution: the Open Loop is Global
(Im)Pure Challenges
Advanced OOP, purely?
Optics: generalize method
to use lens
Advice, CLOS, AOP, before/after/around methods
Method combination: list
, and
, +
, or user-specified
Any advanced topic in OOP?
Prototypes: Object-Orientation, Functionally
Plan of the Talk
- Prelude: OO vs FP?
- Introduction: Wherefore OO?
- Minimal OO: Mixin Functions
- Inheritance
- OO with(out) Objects
- Class = Proto Type Top
- (Im)Pure Challenges
- Conclusion: OO is FP
Conclusion: OO is FP
Paper: OO Systems in λ-calculus
Simple Constructive Semantics of OO in pure FP
Demystify fundamental concepts of OO
Prototypes before Classes, Purity before Mutation
Why it matters, Why it’s that way
Conclusion: OO is FP
Key Concepts
Incrementality & Modularity… intralinguistically
Mixin Functions, compose (append) beyond apply (cons)
Multiple inheritance: modular dependencies
Conflation: Proto = Spec × Target
Class = Proto Type Top
Conclusion: OO is FP
Why did I care about Prototype OO?
Great Usenet Flamewars of OO vs FP
Talking Past Each Other… for Decades
The paper I wished I could have read younger
Lisp had it all the 1970s
Conclusion: OO is FP
Why So Much Blindness?
Industry doesn’t care enough about Correctness
Academia doesn’t understand Programming In The Large
Both like to ignore the Human Factor
All get stuck in their paradigms
Conclusion: OO is FP
Inhabiting Constraints — But Which?
Every task involves constraint,
Solve the thing without complaint;
There are magic links and chains
Forged to loose our rigid brains.
Structures, strictures, though they bind,
Strangely liberate the mind.
— James Falen, as quoted by dughof
Conclusion: OO is FP
Humility, not fanaticism
Incommensurable paradigms? Go wider!
Simplicity matters
λ’s for Semantics, macros for Syntax
Conclusion: OO is FP
Thank You!
OO in 30 loc — 80 loc with multiple inheritance
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